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Friday, May 12, 2006

Angelina's baby

Down below somewhere, I believe I made the prediction that this coming tuesday will be the day Angie finally uncrosses her legs and brings another ridiculously rich child into the world, and by some sort of ironic symoblism, she's doing it in one of the poorest countries in world.

How poor is it?

So poor, Bad and Angie have a veritable army of security to keep from being kidnapped by bandits.

I suppose she's trying to help them out, I don't really see how this helps, but at least she's trying. And building some clinics or something. That's actually useful.

"Give all your money to the poor and follow me" - If you don't know who said it, well, you didn't go to sunday school.

Or, give about 2% and have your reward here on earth. (then hire a private army to keep the rabble away from the other 98%)

Ok, enough belly-aching. I'm actually very glad that Angelina finds a way to help out. And I stand by my prediction. Tuesday...

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

1st Amendment? Schmirst Schamendment!

Truth Serum put up this link to the Harris County Republican's questionaire for potential US House candidates. Tom Delay dropped out of the race after the filing deadline for the May primary election, so the party bosses get to choose who'll take his place. It turns out the "party bosses" are closer in their politics to the Taliban than Thomas Jefferson.

Please read the questionaire. Notice question #5:
Regarding the First Amendment to the US Constitution, does the Constitution require the separation of church and state? Yes No

That's where they're coming from.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

In case you haven't heard...

I now live in beautiful Corpus Christi Texas. This is just about the only place in Texas that I'd be caught living, its the least Texassy of all the parts of Texas. The people here are not, as a rule, overfed beer guzzling hilljacks with burnt-out cars on their front lawn. (See Bowie, TX- Pronounced boo-whee, Its in Montague County- pronounced Mawn-tagg)

That said, I do have a few complaints about Texas.

1. Jesus wasn't a republican.
2. There are no sex shops.
3. Texas is a state, like Michigan. It's stupid to tattoo a state on your arm. If you're that proud of being from Texas, you should go live somewhere else for a while and see if it's really something to be proud of.
4. Freeways are for driving, when you're getting on the freeway, don't stop because you're scared. If you're that scared, stay home, you blue-haired old bat.

Ok, I got that off my chest. On a positive note, the beaches are gorgeous, the natives are friendly, if a little mixed up, and I don't think it ever gets cold in Corpus Christi.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

The future of Iran

Heres what I see happening. Over the summer, Iran will become more of a crisis, then in September / October, the Republicans will start pushing for a resolution to use force in the congress. It's a mid-term election year, just like 2002, when the last such resolution was passed. In 2002, the Democrats bent under the pressure of facing an election after looking "weak" on Iraq. The Republicans still found a way to paint the entire Democratic party as weak, and won huge gains in 2002.

I don't think the lesson is lost on them. Iran is clearly on the target list, and my prediction is a "use of force" resolution in September 2006. Specifically, September 12, 2006.

Because war wins elections.

Should we have a pool?

Somebody tell me I'm wrong.

Why I'm not a "computer geek"

Honestly, I consider myself more of an all-purpose nerd. And what I know about computers is roughly equivalent to what I know about cars. (not much) Changing a hard drive or even a cpu is about as complicated as changing an air filter, and a hell of a lot easier than putting on a new fan belt. (I realize that most cars don't have fan belts anymore.) Actually the alternator belt was the one that kept going out on my old car, I HATED that, I used to rap my knuckles every time I picked up a wrench (probably still would, if I picked up a wrench)

At least with computers you don't need a wrench.

Now, back to the news...