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Saturday, September 17, 2005

Hit the baby (one more time)

Britney is delivered. She pussed out (so to speak) on the kabala-water-birth, and went for a c-section-and-tummy-tuck/liposuction on Wednesday. My (due-date-monday) wife is pissed. Now I have to send back all the damn kabala water and schedule the surgeon.

Speculation on the new trailer park prince's name: reports:
On Wednesday, Britney Spears, 23, and her husband Kevin Federline, 27, became parents to a baby boy who will probably be called Sean Preston Spears Federline, or maybe London, according to random speculation by the world's media.
Since it's still just random speculation, I suggest Tomato. It's fruity, like Apple, but can be shortened to Tom when he has to go to the trailer park to visit grandma.

There are a lot of people who revel in Britney's extra weight, such as Electric New Paper

But now that the pregnancy is over, a hard slog lies ahead if she is to reclaim her place in showbiz royalty.

In the run-up to the birth, speculation about her career was rife amid a torrent of unflattering photos in the tabloids.

For many, chubby Britney seemed to be doing her best imitation of a beached whale. The Toxic singer was reported to have gained 23kg during her pregnancy (the average weight gain during pregnancy is 11 to 15kg).

Then they link to this picture --->

to show how fat she is. WTF??? I know I have seen that little heiffer a lot bigger than that.

And Sify has the brat's horoscope up, providing us with insights such as:

According to his birth-chart, with his moon being in Aquarius, he will have a natural flair for radio and television, and will have plenty of money
Lots of money? Wow, you're really going out on a limb there.

The thing that is most disturbing, and I think explains a lot about why the rest of the world hates America is this- these posts come from all over the world.

It's official. Britney is the public face of the USA.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005


Yes, It's real.

I actually got flamed on an 11 year old girl's blog today. Check it out Here

Kali is a young girl who wants to be a singer / dancer, she posted on Americablog saying:
you all need to grow up! Democrats suck! You are insane. How many people do you think they actually poll in those things!? Those things are like the little pop up polls you get on your computer,they didn't poll the whole country! Plus, why would you want to get out of iraq? I know,so that maybe we could all get bombed,that would be fun,spread peace huh? Ya, I'm sure that all those wicked evil people would love that,I'm sure they would put down their weapons and give us all hugs.I wish. America is free,and we didn't get and keep that way by backin' down,givin' up with out a fight.If you say that America is just out lookin' for a fight and after 9/11 I'd have to say your right. If you mess with America,if you mess with the big dog. We'll stick a boot up your ass,simple as that. Go to Canada, chickens.
Clearly I wanted to respond, but when I figured out she was a little girl, I tried to go a little easier on her. After all, in a few years she'll be shouting just as hard for the other side. I am sure this young lady has only ever got her news from Sean Hannity, so I posted to her blog, hoping to demonstrate that not all "liberals" are whatever they say we are over on Fox.

Along comes Archangel to straigten me out. I felt Archangel was getting a little too snippy for my comfort on a child's blog, so I invited him here for discussion.

Here you go Archangel, Let's hear more about how I am an apologist for an ideology of hate.

Monday, September 12, 2005

And another thing

I hate the fact that someone has decided to change a fundemental rule of the English language.

In English, when the sex of a (singular) person is unknown, that person may be identified with the pronoun "he."

At least that's what they tought us in school.

But nooooooo

I haven't read anything published anywhere in the last 2 years that used this rule, in fact the opposite has happened. At first, it was "they" even though we knew we were talking about a single person. Then, without warning, suddenly everything says "she" or "her."

I am finding a lot of this because I am reading baby manuals and everywhere I look "our baby" is a female pronoun.

It just ain't right I tell you.

I know some of you may like the change, well to hell with you. I liked it the old way. I found comfort in knowing there was a rule there, that you couldn't just assign gender willy-nilly.

(I have always wanted to say willy-nilly in a post.)

Thank you.

The Awful Truth

How do we get out of the Trap?

Becoming "like them," meaning we act more ruthlessly, is something we Americans have very little stomach for. That's one of the reasons we are (were) respected around the world, because we don't (didn't) act that way. When we do, like in Abu Gharib, it comes back to haunt us in a way that it does not haunt our enemies.

So what to do?

First off, don't invade anything else, just stop now before we end up with "ten fleas under ten fingers." (a warning by Mao to Kissinger, and you can bet the Chinese will remember how overstretched we are when they start the next round of saber-rattling over Taiwan.)

Second, hunt down and kill our enemies in Iraq.

This is the hard truth. We will either leave Iraq a total mess, in shameful retreat, emboldening our enemies further and losing all influence in the region for the next 50-100 years, or we will somehow find the will as a nation to act barbarously.

That is what war is, barbarism.

You can't have a clean war, you can't just invade someplace and be out by Christmas. If we are going to "win" we have to make some changes in our policies, changes that I don't think we are able to make, and I hope we remember this the next time some nitwit tries to lead us into another "optional" war.

1. Get a much bigger army. You may need to draft people.

2. don't take prisoners. After all, in Iraq and Afghanistan, we are fighting an illegal militia under the rules of the Geneva Convention, and they have no rights under the convention. They may be shot instead of put in POW camps, so shoot them, and make sure everybody on the ground knows that is what you intend to do.

3. Violate all rules of civilized combat, because there are no such rules in the real world.
3a. excersise "collective punishment" If our people are attacked, level the city they were attacked from. This will only have to be done a few times, but it must be done without mercy. (see Ulysses S. Grant)
4. Make sure nobody films it. i.e. shoot anybody with a camera - unless they are making propaganda for your side.

5. When possible, blame any atrocities we commit on the enemy.

6. Install a dictator more ruthless than Saddam, prop him up with money and guns, declare victory, and get the F**K out.

This should be remembered for a thousand years, it should be etched in stone on every damned war memorial ever built:

Once you have broken the peace, you must throw away all pretentions of civility. War is war, peace is peace. Anyone who knows the difference would never choose war.

This is why we hanged all those Germans in 1945. It wasn't just the death-camps, they probably could have got away with that, but they broke the peace, and that is a terrible crime, mass murder a thousand times over.

It is a crime that can only be justified by victory.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Forever War

I don't usually make predictions, because when I do, I'm usually wrong. This time, I think I'm hitting it right on the head.

Tomorrow, or Tuesday at the latest, Rush Limbaugh will comment on Mark Danner's article in today's New York Times Magazine "Taking stock of the forever war." I know this because today when I picked up the magazine, Osama was on the cover, and I could hear the pompous drug-addled windbag saying "Did you see the New York Times Magazine this week? Osama bin Laden is their man of the year." Call it a vision, except I heard it. Does that mean I should call it an audible?

The article itself was very well thought out and thought provoking. The author argues that we are fighting the kind of war al qaeda wanted us to fight.

Think back to 2001, a day or two before the world trade center attack, Ahmed Shah Massoud, the leader of the Northern Alliance, was killed by an al qaeda suicide team disguised as journalists. Looking back today, it seems like they expected a US invasion of Afghanistan, and expected to give us the same treatment they gave the Soviets after they invaded. Killing our obvious ally in the conflict was clearly a preparatory move.

But it didn't work. Afghanistan was overthrown and the Taliban removed from power with a few dozen special forces teams and air power supporting the Northern Alliance on the ground. The US dodged the bullet that dragged the USSR into oblivion.

Of course, these holy warriors stuck around, and with new recruits, are still harassing our troops in Afghanistan, but the hopes of a "protracted guerrilla war in which the superpower would occupy a Muslim country and kill Muslim civilians" were essentially dashed. Afghanistan was just too sparsely populated, too backward and "target-poor" to provide our enemies with the trap they wanted to spring.

After Tora Bora, the Qaeda fighters who survived regrouped in neighboring countries. "We began to converge on Iran one after the other," Saif al-Adel recalled in a recent book by an Egyptian journalist. "We began to form some groups of fighters to return to Afghanistan to carry out well-prepared missions there." It is these men, along with the reconstituted Taliban, that 16,000 American soldiers are still fighting today.

Not all the fighters would return to Afghanistan. Other targets of opportunity loomed on the horizon of the possible. "Abu Mus'ab and his Jordanian and Palestinian comrades opt ed to go to Iraq," al-Adel recalled, for, he said, an "examination of the situation indicated that the Americans would inevitably make a mistake and invade Iraq sooner or later. Such an invasion would aim at overthrowing the regime. Therefore, we should play an important role in the confrontation and resistance."

While here at home we were pretending to make war only as a last resort, our enemies were able to predict an invasion that most Americans today have a hard time explaining our reasons for undertaking.

Clearly these are not irrational men, these are not fools garbed up in religious drag trying to bomb their way into heaven. These men are cunning and cruel, but they are not mad. They are, in their planning, far more rational than the ideologically blinded neocons running our foreign policy. Where the neocons expected an easy transition for Iraq, envisioning a model state, a "shining example of democracy," a place where lassez faire economics, renamed neoliberalism, could bring prosperity to the Iraqi people and us as well, al qaeda saw a trap.

The very same trap that Carter and Brzezinski sprang on the Soviets:

"It was July 3, 1979, that President Carter signed the first directive for secret aid to the opponents of the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul," Zbigniew Brzezinski, Carter's national security adviser, recalled in 1998. "And that very day, I wrote a note to the president in which I explained to him that in my opinion this aid was going to induce a Soviet military intervention." It was a strategy of provocation, for the gambit had the effect of "drawing the Russians into the Afghan trap.. . .The day that the Soviets officially crossed the border, I wrote to President Carter: We now have the opportunity of giving to the U.S.S.R. its Vietnam War."

What do we have in Iraq today? We have made every mistake we avoided in Afghanistan. We are mired in a bloody conflict that has no foreseeable end. Osama emboldened our enemies around the world. al qaeda may have been reduced to operating only in Southern Asia, but their success in New York emboldened others. People who previously saw American power as too overwhelming, now see our weaknesses.

And they have not stopped. Al qaeda is more of a method now, their best thinkers put up their strategy goals on the web, and the amateurs in Madrid and London carry out attacks.

Danner doesn't offer any solution to our dilemma, but I'll give you a place to start.

Just Stop. Just stop overreacting to the latest threat, the latest bombing. In terms of history, we are safer today than our parents and grandparents were. Our fear of terrorism is more destructive to our way of life than any attack could be.

Remember those that came before us, wars where 1,000,000 men died in a single day, bombings of entire cities, remember that we are facing a gang of criminals, with specific, self-interested designs, and their aim is to frighten us, trick us into committing a rash act, like an invasion, that gives our enemies an opportunity to expose our weaknesses.

Every attack on civilians in Iraq that we can't prevent, every electrical outage, every bombed oil pipeline, reinforces the idea that the United States is vincible, emboldening our enemies and giving them the tools to recruit new ones.