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Wednesday, May 10, 2006

1st Amendment? Schmirst Schamendment!

Truth Serum put up this link to the Harris County Republican's questionaire for potential US House candidates. Tom Delay dropped out of the race after the filing deadline for the May primary election, so the party bosses get to choose who'll take his place. It turns out the "party bosses" are closer in their politics to the Taliban than Thomas Jefferson.

Please read the questionaire. Notice question #5:
Regarding the First Amendment to the US Constitution, does the Constitution require the separation of church and state? Yes No

That's where they're coming from.


Blogger Unknown said...

Them good ol' boys from Harris are hillarious. Even the Republicans laught at those boys. They don't have a firm grasp on that whole Bill Of Rights deal. I almost spewed the Coke I was drinking all over my keyboard reading thee questionaire.

Tue May 16, 12:40:00 PM EDT  

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