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Saturday, November 05, 2005


Certainty is horseshit.

There are those who are comforted by certainty.

I am comforted by the absence of certainty, to a degree.

I like knowing with a high degree of certainty that absent is spelled a b s e n t, that the square of 12 is always 144, and mail doesn't come on Sunday.

Certainty is most often available when the subject is man-made. spelling, math, mail, religion, these are the domain of certainty.

Reality is uncertain. Truth is uncertain. The craving for certainty is a weakness, it is a laziness of the mind that leads us away from truth.

If I said all that as if I was certain of it, it's because I am.

I'm also certain Saturday Night Live will provide me with about 1 minute of entertainment and 84 minutes of mind-bending boredom.

I'll watch it anyway.

Black Eyed Peas should be deported

I have heard the new single by the Black Eyed Peas. It's called "my humps" and it is a crime

If you have the misfortune of hearing this alleged music, remember, this is not a joke. They are able to spit out those lyrics with a straight face. If it were a joke, it would be too over the top to be funny. Nobody would believe weird al if he spoofed something and it came out like this.

So, I move we deport them. They are clearly "with the terrorists."
Send them to

Oh I don't care, just send them somewhere where they can't record any more "music"

Here's a sampling-
Cos of my hump, my hump, my hump, my hump.
My hump, my hump, my hump, my lovely lady lumps.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Democrats find some guts!

I know, none of you like the political stuff, but I have to hit it now and then. I'ts part of my contract. I promise we can talk about celebrity gossip next time. (did you hear about Britney and her husband? 6 weeks with a baby and they want to break up? what swamp did these people crawl out of?)

So, back to politics, today was a big day in washington, the senate Democrats are finally pointing out that the lies that led to our nation into war were just that, LIES. Finally! I am pleased that somebody is finally standing up and calling it like it is. There were exactly how many nukes in Iraq? How about chemical weapons? Anthrax?

It has become clear now that the republican administration flat-out lied to us. We have to attack Iraq because they're gonna nuke New York. Turns out, they didn't even have a decent airplane. Why were we supposed to be terrified again?

Finally somebody is willing to really "support the troops." I know some of the "troops," we don't call them troops, we call them John and Scott and Matthew. And I don't think supporting them means sending them somewhere they never should have been sent on some half-brained mission that couldn't be accomplished in 10 years let alone six months. Do you remember them saying we'd be out in 6 months tops?

Predictably the republicans cried foul:

“The United States Senate has been hijacked by the Democratic leadership,” said Majority Leader Bill Frist during the tense hours on Capitol Hill. “They have no convictions, they have no principles, they have no ideas.”

No convictions? Right, actually, they don't even have any indictments!

Fristy is currently being investigated as to whether he used his position in the senate to make laws that profited his family business. Thats principled, in a way, right?

Is it principled to commit the worst of all crimes? Unneccessary war is the worst crime there is. People, who, it turns out, we had no right to attack, are dead by the thousands today. Our young men and women are fighting right now in a place they should never have been sent. How many thousands more of our brothers and sisters will die for this? How much worse off is the world today? Iraq?

What was the point?

I am delighted to see the actual leadership of the democratic party saying what should have been said in 2002. What thinking people were saying in 2002,

Reid accused Republicans of playing upon post-9/11 fears as grounds for going to war.

“Obviously we know now their nuclear claims were wholly inaccurate,” he said. “But more troubling is the fact that a lot of intelligence experts were telling the Administration then that its claims about Saddam's nuclear capabilities were false.”

It's about time. This time, when they try to shout you down and say that you embolden our enemies, tell them to "bring it on." What do you think encourages our enemies more? Reasonable debate among our leaders or lying to ourselves and the entire world about our justification for bombing people and invading their country?

Monday, October 31, 2005

Democrats should grow a pair

I know next to nothing about the latest pic for the supreme court. I do know that Rod Parsley and the other unchristian jerks running the "pro-family" wing of the republican party are in love with him.

So, I am against him.

Let's face it, the time is now. GWB has never been weaker. If the democrats stick together on this one, and even filibuster if they have to, they can win.

If they don't, well, we don't know. It could be really bad, or not so bad. But really, who cares? GWB gets to pick someone, whoever it is will be terrible for the country. Everything else he has done was terrible for the country, so why should this be any different?

The point, if there is one, is to win. You don't get into politics because you like to lose. Get out there and show us you have a backbone, then maybe the rest of the country won't think democrats are a bunch of namby-pambies. And when the republicans say you're not being fair, don't let that scare you. NOBODY believes them any more.
(except for "the base" ... do you know how to say that in arabic? - al qaeda.)

Face it, you basically gave away the last two presidential elections, you could have fought, but you didn't object to the election results, "for the good of the country," or some other horseshit. Do you think Karl Rove does anything "for the good of the country?" Do you think Tom Noe was stealing money from the workers comp fund in ohio and giving it to GWB "for the good of the country?" Hell no, and it's about time you weasels get your act together and fight.

If you win this fight, maybe you'll win the next election.
Strength is attractive, people like strength. Remember when they all thought GWB was a "strong leader?"

Who do you think you are, Ghandi? MLK? Jesus?

Well you ain't, so get up and fight before they step on you (us) again.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

When in Rome... Don't buy a fishbowl

In a victory for the morons at PETA, the city of Rome has outlawed goldfish bowls. I couldn't make this up...

Karin Robertson, of the Fish Empathy Project (I'm not kidding) commented:

"Rome stands out for recognising that fish are interesting individuals who deserve our respect and compassion every bit as much as dogs and cats and other animals,"

Seems that fishbowls don't provide enough oxygen for goldfish to fully self-actualize. I'd like to mention that I had Beta that lived in a fishbowl for about 3 years. Seemed ok for him. He may even still be alive, I gave him to my housemate when I moved, but in fairness, by then he'd moved into a regular fish tank.

Ever notice how all the idiots at PETA have English/American names?

The revolution will be announced with paid advertising

World can't wait, a very anti-bush group has called a general strike for Nov 2, and advertising it on the radio. I've heard their ads on Air America. It's basically a young woman reading a script like it's beat poetry, actually a terrible ad.

Anyway, the gist of the ad is to take the day off on Nov 2 and go shout at somebody in power. (I said SHOUT, not shoot)

Here in Columbus they have a whole day of marching planned. In Albuquerque, the other place I call home, theres a much more (typical for burque) relaxed day planned, they'll be standing around the courthouse, waving signs, probably start around noon, take a break at 2, finish up around 4...

World Can't Wait has been demonstrating in front of the white house for a while now, but you wouldn't hear about it, not even on google news! Remember the big anti-war rally on September 24? You dont? Oh, yeah that's because it wasnt on the news. And if you saw it on the news, you were told that a few hundred "slackers and hippies" who don't "support the troops" were out burning flags and stuff. (at least 150,000 well-behaved, orderly Americans, by police estimate)

Well I wish them luck, but I'll be at work on Wednesday, I don't have time for that kind of thing. Most of us don't, that's why we have elections. (here in Ohio, because of some bizarre state rule, the election is on the 8th this year)

It is Ohio. I wonder if they'll count the votes this time?