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Friday, October 21, 2005

Oh no you don't

Michael J. Clarkson, Jr:
For the record, in case anyone asks we actually live in a Republic, not a Democracy...(laughing while running away from the hail of bullets from the Democrats...oh wait, Democrats support gun control (which to me means using both hands) *LOL*.)
Hold on a minute, I grew up in the west, and while some of the coastal Democrats may be in favor of "gun control" (and seeing how poorly people shoot out there, I dont blame them) but you know as well as I do that nobody and I mean NOBODY between the Missisippi and the Colorado rivers wants to take away your guns.

Thats just another canard floated by Rush, hereafter known as Fatman, and Hannity, who we will call the Boy Blunder.

Even the east-coast Democrats are really just interested in being able to excercise their right to pass local and state laws that regulate the ownership of firearms, and in heavily populated cities, keeping track of gun ownership is actually not such a bad idea.

I heard that crap on the radio my whole life, and I'll tell you, I don't know a single (male) Democrat that doesnt love his guns.

During the last election season, I had a church lady (one of my clients) tell me that if I voted for Kerry, not only would gay marriage be legal (she seemed to think that meant it was mandatory) but Kerry would personally come and take my guns away. When I asked where she got her info from, she hemmed and hawed but it came down to her church.

And for you wackos out there who think it's going to protect you from the government, are you kidding? Do you have a tank? Saddam had thousands of tanks, do you think your piddly little machine-gun is going to protect you? Granted, there was a time when a militia was essential to the maintainance of a free state. That time is long since past. Unless you have a bomb, you aren't even going to get the attention of the US government. (and I am firmly in favor of bomb control)

Which brings me to another question. Why is the right wing even able to exist? Think about it.
Who does the right wing represent?

In order of power:
1 The Business Lobby
2 Fundamentalist Christians
3 The NRA (lots of crossover with groups 1 and 2)
4 Misguided fools who believe they are still members of the party of Goldwater.

Why does anybody who takes Christianity seriously even remotely interested in owning an automatic firearm? Or even a pistol for that matter. I don't know anybody who needs a 13 round clip to hunt deer (maybe on the east coast, we discussed how bad their aim is) and although I know people who think its cool to hunt bear with a pistol, they're stupid. My point is, that most firearms are actually designed to kill people. A sidearm or an automatic rifle have no other real value, and I don't think that hot lead is the best way to love your enemy, or turn the other cheek, but maybe I just misundertsood the entire New Testament.

But the real problem, as I see it (no it isn't that I can't seem to shut up) is the unholy alliance between the business lobby and the fundamentalist christians. Their interests are just too far apart. Business is by far the more powerful group, and it's interests would seem to be in stark opposition to "christian values."

Maybe that's why you get such wierd hybrid ideas, like "we have to destroy the planet faster so Jesus will come," or "We have to push Israel into war with the arab states so Jesus will come" Or just about anything that is good for business and can b e paired up with "so Jesus will come."

I could go on, you know I could, but I've got to go pick up the NY times (you know the "left-wing" rag that just found out one of it's reporters was a Republican operative?)
Whatever, Its still the BEST newspaper in the country, but like any paper, you have to take everything you read with a grain of salt. (a lot less salt however than is needed with tv or radio news.)

OK, wife and child are leaving the building , have to go.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Why Rod Parsley is a jerk

You all know what I think of Rod Parsley, but here's another reason to hate this guy.

This summer, Rod Parsley, pastor of New Harvest World Church in Canal Winchester, whose sermons are broadcast on 1,400 television stations nationwide, published a best-selling book, “Silent No More.”

Parsley wrote that, “Allah is a demon spirit,” Islam is “a flawed religion,” and “America was founded, in part, with the intention of seeing this false religion destroyed.” Among his friends and supporters, Parsley counts Ohio Secretary of State and 2006 gubernatorial candidate Kenneth Blackwell. - Columbus Messenger

Can you believe a politician of any stripe would be seen with this guy? I hope everybody in Ohio realizes the likely republican candidate for governor is good friends with this divisive twit.

Ok I hate Rod Parsley. Glad I got that out.

Another thing that happened this week, I was at a chamber of commerce lunch, and a young republican-looking guy got up to explain to us how we should vote in the next election, and while he was talking, he kept referring to the "Democrat Party." Man that chaps my hide. It's not the Democrat party. Its the Democratic party. A person who is a member of the Democratic party is referred to as a Democrat. I have heard this misuse of the english language so often that I am beginning to believe its one of the coded messages we hear so much about.
- Maybe saying "democrat party" gets you into the special republican clubs.
- Maybe its a very sophisticated propaganda technique that the always-on-message right wing are using to disassociate the Democrats from the word democratic, which of course, in a democracy, might be taken to be a good thing.
- Maybe I am just a picky jerk who hates the misuse of the english language. (or more accurately, what I believe to be the misuse of the language.)

Well there's one thing I'm sure of, and that's Rod Parsley is a jerk. I've never heard him refer to democrats that way- wait -there was one time, but I dont think he said democrat party, it was more like demonic party...

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Thanks to D.P. for da lowdown on lipograms, I thought I'd try it. It's hard, but worth trying.

Saddam is going on trial, facing his own annihilation at last. I actually had pity for him, just for a bit. His solicitors say it's not fair. It probably isn't. A month of Sundays in kangaroo court, and on to gallows. Or IV?

I think most of us would want his trial to occur in a usual locality, but Dutch courts sound much too busy nowadays, and wouldn't kill him anyway.

But on TV, rich and famous still distract us from our anguish, our complications simplify, lit from on high by radiant floodlights of pop nobility. No kings for us, no gods, only idols, skinny, stupid, and rich.