The latest national survey by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press and Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life, conducted July 7-17 among 2,000 adults, also finds deep religious and political differences over questions relating to evolution and the origins of life. Overall, about half the public (48%) says that humans and other living things have evolved over time, while 42% say that living things have existed in their present form since the beginning of time. Fully 70% of white evangelical Protestants say that life has existed in its present form since the beginning of time... and a substantial minority (38%) favors replacing evolution with creationism in public school curricula.Are you really this stupid? creationism is not a valid point of view. You can believe in it if you want, but please don't dumb down the schools any more. The US used to be 1st in science, math, you name it, now we have almost half the population believing some fairy-story about how species never change.
WHY???? Because Rod Parsley told you ? Because you think it's part of some amorphous faith, and if you don't accept every single tenet of this lunacy you'll be condemned to eternal damnation? Are you really so gullible?
Faith is ok for some people, I understand that some folks get a big kick out of Jesus. However, to deny the evidence before your eyes, to say that white is black and black is white, this is not faith, it is idiocy.
It does not take any faith at all to know that species change over time. Anyone can see it for himself with a look around. Take for instance, our friend the dog.
As a boy, I had a dog, his name was sarge, he was a german shepherd. German shepherds did not exist before 1900. That's right, we even know the name of the german who first created the breed from one (very good) male dog and several (pretty good) female dogs. Does your religion require that you deny any historical record, no matter how well documented that doesn't fit in your fairy-tale?
If, as a small boy, I was able to understand breeding, or artifical selection, then after thinking a little bit, grok the whole idea of natural selection, why do 42% of you not get it? Have you never had a dog?
German shepherds exist, therefore species change over time.
Laboratory mice...
Influenza, cattle, pigmy goats, pot-bellied pigs....
Not worried? 42% of any given jury (70% in the bible belt) may decide to disregard clear DNA evidence proving that you are innocent, because it's just some scientific mumbo-jumbo that the devil uses to trick you.