
Ah, Reese Witherspoon, the name just flows trippingly off the tongue. I wonder if it's her real name? Always liked Reese, and when she played June Carter I have to admit I got a little crush on her. I know you'll say she's all chin, but so what? I'm all nose.
So the news today makes me want to vomit. Or was it the cruise?
Amid Uproar Over War, Rangel Renews Call for Draft
It was cute when you tried to float your "national service" bill when you were in the minority, we got your point, but don't you dare try that BS when you're in charge. I understand your reasoning, Mr. Rangel, is that universal military service will somehow make our nation less bellicose, but you couldn't be more wrong. Conscription isn't going to change the character of our government, It will only provide more fodder for the cannons, and do it at a discount. I like the idea that we have to pay what the market will bear for soldiers.
And somehow, I don't think anyone who's last name is Bush will be affected.
Russia denies poisoning former spy in London
Well, Duh.
Simpson's 'If I Did It' Book, TV Special Canceled
I know Pudge will probably care, but I can't tell why. Let him write his damn book.
Send all the proceeds to his victims' families.
"Kramer's" Racist Tirade -- Caught on Tape
Go watch this, its fun. I can see a public apology in Kramer's future.
'Second Life' Invaded by 'Grey Goos', Downed for 21 Mins
If I had more spare time, more money, and a better computer, I'd hang out on second life and think this was important. I think I heard that AP or Reuters or someone has a news desk in Second Life. You know you've made it when your video game has an it's own bureau chief.
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