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Monday, October 24, 2005

DeLaying Justice

Sorry, I just couldn't help myself.

By now I'm sure you've heard that Tom DeLay's lawyers have filed a motion to get a change of venue. You haven't? What? Don't you follow Texas politics? Better than baseball any day.

They're saying that Judge Bob Perkins isn't fit to judge the case, since he gave $5,185 to democratic candidates and groups in the last five years. Of course, the State of Texas, represented by prosecutor Ronnie Earle, disagrees.

What to do?

Ask another judge of course!

But who, praytell could make such a decision?

The decision on how to handle the recusal hearing will be made by regional administrative Judge B.B. Schraub, a Republican who has administered the 3rd Judicial District since 1990. He has donated $5,900 to Texas Republican candidates since 2000, according to the Texas Ethics Commission. He made $1,250 in donations to President Bush's campaign in the 2000 election, according to the Center for Responsive Politics database. - Houston Chronicle

Ahem... Let's think this through, Judge Perkins can't give a fair ruling on the case because he gave money to democrats, not opponents of Tom DeLay, just democratic causes in general. But Judge Schraub, who has given even more money to republicans, he has no conflict of interest.

Now its clear.