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Sunday, May 07, 2006

Why I'm not a "computer geek"

Honestly, I consider myself more of an all-purpose nerd. And what I know about computers is roughly equivalent to what I know about cars. (not much) Changing a hard drive or even a cpu is about as complicated as changing an air filter, and a hell of a lot easier than putting on a new fan belt. (I realize that most cars don't have fan belts anymore.) Actually the alternator belt was the one that kept going out on my old car, I HATED that, I used to rap my knuckles every time I picked up a wrench (probably still would, if I picked up a wrench)

At least with computers you don't need a wrench.

Now, back to the news...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are so modest.

I still maintain that I married a computer geek.

Wanna touch my modem?

Sun May 07, 02:14:00 PM EDT  
Blogger JC said...

You did marry a computer geek, he works for the military in New Mexico.

And yes, I'd love to touch your modem, in fact, I'm touching it right now.

Sun May 07, 10:01:00 PM EDT  

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