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Friday, December 21, 2007

Forgot this was here

I had forgotten about this abandoned archive of my idiocy. I had no reason to think about it at all and suddenly N2 remembers its here and leaves 5 comments in one day.

So here I am again. The other site wasn't suitable for the kind of shit I want to say these days.

No more news.

I met a prophet the other day. He gave me his phone number. I was waiting in line at a print shop and there's an older guy with some stuff on the counter, the stuff looks nuts, so does he.

Naturally, I start talking to the guy. Turns out, he used to be a chemical engineer but six years ago he died and GOD took over his body. "Alpha and Omega, thats me" I fucking love crazy people.

So he told me a bunch of stuff that I will now repeat to you, and if it turns out to be true, he can give me extra points. I mean he's GOD and all. I did ask him if he could arrange some money to come my way, still nothing to speak of has arrived. (and even if it did, I've asked a lot of crazy people who think they're GOD to send money, so that wouldn't prove anything.

I am probably the only person you know who asks crazy people for money.

So we talk for a while, turns out that the world will end in nuclear holocaust before the next superbowl. First, Hugo Chavez will take over Cuba. Fidel will die, and his brother 2 days after, then Hugo steps in as leader.

He arrived at this conclusion (I made him give me his notes) by reading the book of revelation. He said Darius the Mede means Dick Cheney. I asked why, and his explanation left me certain that he was, in fact, completely fucking nuts. you see you have to take all the letters, and each one means something else, etc.

Sooooo, after that, we nuke North Korea, and the whole world blows up.

The only safe place to go is..... some place in New York state.
Sorry, I can't find the notes he gave me, I let my wife look at them, and I suppose she's lost them for me. Please don't hold it against her if you can't find the safe place to go, just head for northern New York, and find the town with living people in it.

Damn, I have his phone number on those notes! I fully intend to take him out for a drink and find out more of his revelation.

at the used bookstore the other day, I noticed a number of very unusual books had shown up. These books were all published by the same printer, they were all reprints of very old books, some in latin, all on somewhat arcane subjects having to do with an area of study that might be called The Great Work. All were inscribed F. minimus

One of the books was a guide written in Latin for taking each letter of the bible and using it for predictions of some kind. I immediately thought of my crazy friend.

So. Assuming I find my note with his crazy phone number on it, I'll take him out for coffee - never give crazy people beer- and find out more of what's going to happen.


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