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Saturday, November 05, 2005


Certainty is horseshit.

There are those who are comforted by certainty.

I am comforted by the absence of certainty, to a degree.

I like knowing with a high degree of certainty that absent is spelled a b s e n t, that the square of 12 is always 144, and mail doesn't come on Sunday.

Certainty is most often available when the subject is man-made. spelling, math, mail, religion, these are the domain of certainty.

Reality is uncertain. Truth is uncertain. The craving for certainty is a weakness, it is a laziness of the mind that leads us away from truth.

If I said all that as if I was certain of it, it's because I am.

I'm also certain Saturday Night Live will provide me with about 1 minute of entertainment and 84 minutes of mind-bending boredom.

I'll watch it anyway.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

we know one thing for sure. Horseshit is certain.

Mon Nov 07, 10:16:00 PM EST  
Blogger Unknown said...

According to quantum phisics nothing is truly certain. Schrödinger's theory stated that for any scenario left unobserved all of its possibilities existed in space and time. He used his cat as an example. Without observation his cat could be either alive or dead. Without observation both statements held true mathmatically. Thus the only through observation could a proof for the equation be provided and by the mere act of observing we change the equation.

Quantam physics vis à vie Schrödinger's cat.

The only certain here is you previous post put that God awful Black-Eyed Peas song in my head. DAMN YOU BLACK-EYED PEAS!!! DAMN YOU ALL TO HELL!!! I'm going to wash my brain out now...

Wed Nov 09, 09:58:00 PM EST  

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