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Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Democrats find some guts!

I know, none of you like the political stuff, but I have to hit it now and then. I'ts part of my contract. I promise we can talk about celebrity gossip next time. (did you hear about Britney and her husband? 6 weeks with a baby and they want to break up? what swamp did these people crawl out of?)

So, back to politics, today was a big day in washington, the senate Democrats are finally pointing out that the lies that led to our nation into war were just that, LIES. Finally! I am pleased that somebody is finally standing up and calling it like it is. There were exactly how many nukes in Iraq? How about chemical weapons? Anthrax?

It has become clear now that the republican administration flat-out lied to us. We have to attack Iraq because they're gonna nuke New York. Turns out, they didn't even have a decent airplane. Why were we supposed to be terrified again?

Finally somebody is willing to really "support the troops." I know some of the "troops," we don't call them troops, we call them John and Scott and Matthew. And I don't think supporting them means sending them somewhere they never should have been sent on some half-brained mission that couldn't be accomplished in 10 years let alone six months. Do you remember them saying we'd be out in 6 months tops?

Predictably the republicans cried foul:

“The United States Senate has been hijacked by the Democratic leadership,” said Majority Leader Bill Frist during the tense hours on Capitol Hill. “They have no convictions, they have no principles, they have no ideas.”

No convictions? Right, actually, they don't even have any indictments!

Fristy is currently being investigated as to whether he used his position in the senate to make laws that profited his family business. Thats principled, in a way, right?

Is it principled to commit the worst of all crimes? Unneccessary war is the worst crime there is. People, who, it turns out, we had no right to attack, are dead by the thousands today. Our young men and women are fighting right now in a place they should never have been sent. How many thousands more of our brothers and sisters will die for this? How much worse off is the world today? Iraq?

What was the point?

I am delighted to see the actual leadership of the democratic party saying what should have been said in 2002. What thinking people were saying in 2002,

Reid accused Republicans of playing upon post-9/11 fears as grounds for going to war.

“Obviously we know now their nuclear claims were wholly inaccurate,” he said. “But more troubling is the fact that a lot of intelligence experts were telling the Administration then that its claims about Saddam's nuclear capabilities were false.”

It's about time. This time, when they try to shout you down and say that you embolden our enemies, tell them to "bring it on." What do you think encourages our enemies more? Reasonable debate among our leaders or lying to ourselves and the entire world about our justification for bombing people and invading their country?


Blogger Unknown said...

The Reublicans are LIARS. The Democrats are LIARS. The only difference is what they lie about. The only time politicians aren't lying is if their mouth isn't moving. The Democrats gave the Dubbya carte blanche on the war to buy themselves soft power by supporting a popular war. Now that the truth has come out they are hesitant to call the Republicans on it for fear of losing leverage for their pet projects. So rules the Oligarchy, by the rich for the rich.

Wed Nov 02, 05:55:00 PM EST  
Blogger JC said...

and you used to be a republican?

You sound more like Hellen Keller than Ayn Rand.

I suppose you're right, of course they're all lying. But as to their reasons for lteting Bush and co. get away with everything, I think they were actually just afraid of getting beat up. It wasn't that they wanted to increase their power, they wanted to hang on to what they had. Perhaps it was the best decision for them in the long run, since now they have the power to resist, now that he's weakened.

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner"

Face it, 2 years ago, "the public" (mob) wouldn't have put up with anybody saying the war wasn't justified. Look at the people who spoke up at the time, if the mob didn't get them, Rove and Libby did.

Thu Nov 03, 02:08:00 PM EST  

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