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Monday, October 31, 2005

Democrats should grow a pair

I know next to nothing about the latest pic for the supreme court. I do know that Rod Parsley and the other unchristian jerks running the "pro-family" wing of the republican party are in love with him.

So, I am against him.

Let's face it, the time is now. GWB has never been weaker. If the democrats stick together on this one, and even filibuster if they have to, they can win.

If they don't, well, we don't know. It could be really bad, or not so bad. But really, who cares? GWB gets to pick someone, whoever it is will be terrible for the country. Everything else he has done was terrible for the country, so why should this be any different?

The point, if there is one, is to win. You don't get into politics because you like to lose. Get out there and show us you have a backbone, then maybe the rest of the country won't think democrats are a bunch of namby-pambies. And when the republicans say you're not being fair, don't let that scare you. NOBODY believes them any more.
(except for "the base" ... do you know how to say that in arabic? - al qaeda.)

Face it, you basically gave away the last two presidential elections, you could have fought, but you didn't object to the election results, "for the good of the country," or some other horseshit. Do you think Karl Rove does anything "for the good of the country?" Do you think Tom Noe was stealing money from the workers comp fund in ohio and giving it to GWB "for the good of the country?" Hell no, and it's about time you weasels get your act together and fight.

If you win this fight, maybe you'll win the next election.
Strength is attractive, people like strength. Remember when they all thought GWB was a "strong leader?"

Who do you think you are, Ghandi? MLK? Jesus?

Well you ain't, so get up and fight before they step on you (us) again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are dreaming if you think the democrat party is ever going to fight. They lost their nerve long ago.

Tue Nov 01, 04:50:00 PM EST  
Blogger Unknown said...

The Republicans scare them. You know, with all of the assult rifles and stuff...

In all seriousness I have begun to believe that there really is only one party and any fighting is merely for show. Why else would the Dems. have allowed all the crap the Dubbya has done pass. There is a sufficient number of Dems that if they had any real differences a philibuster would ba a cakewalk. They didn't lose their nerve and they aren't choosing their battles. They are just trying to hide the fact that there is no real difference between them. They are ALL corrupt.

Wed Nov 02, 05:43:00 PM EST  
Blogger JC said...

They are all corupt, but it is the responsibility of the minority party to expose the corruption of the majority, leading to a changing of position.

There is a difference, do you think Al Gore would have invaded Iraq?

I don't think he would have. Somewhere else equally asinine perhaps, but not Iraq.

Thu Nov 03, 02:11:00 PM EST  

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