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Sunday, October 30, 2005

When in Rome... Don't buy a fishbowl

In a victory for the morons at PETA, the city of Rome has outlawed goldfish bowls. I couldn't make this up...

Karin Robertson, of the Fish Empathy Project (I'm not kidding) commented:

"Rome stands out for recognising that fish are interesting individuals who deserve our respect and compassion every bit as much as dogs and cats and other animals,"

Seems that fishbowls don't provide enough oxygen for goldfish to fully self-actualize. I'd like to mention that I had Beta that lived in a fishbowl for about 3 years. Seemed ok for him. He may even still be alive, I gave him to my housemate when I moved, but in fairness, by then he'd moved into a regular fish tank.

Ever notice how all the idiots at PETA have English/American names?


Blogger Unknown said...'s what's for dinner. Isn't there a tree somewhere these freaks can hug? I hear trees are more cuddly than fish anyway...

For the record, goldfish placed in bowls remain smaller thus making them a good pet for small spaces. Place the same fish in a full tank and its size grows exponentially with some achieving the size of trout. There is no physiological damage to a goldfish kept in a bowl.

Wed Nov 02, 05:35:00 PM EST  
Blogger JC said...

unles you forget to change the water :(

Thu Nov 03, 02:12:00 PM EST  

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