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Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Why Wile E. Coyote is so Skinny

I visit an untitled life and here's MJC spouting about Neitzche and genius and god and what-all. It's fun I suppose, to wonder about the big questions sometimes, and you could do a whole lot worse than Neitzche. So I put my $.02 (there used to be a cent key on my typing apparatus!)

I prefer to take a survey approach, like whatshisname.... Joseph Campbell. I like to read, so it works out. I blasted my way through a penguin edition of faust a few weeks back, it was awful but in parts it was inspiring.

Everything I know about deep subjects can be summed up thusly:

If there is a god, he ain't the one you're thinking of.
(and don't count your money while you're sitting at the table)

Zorba knew how to live.

Wile E. Coyote was a super-genius.
(but he never, ever ever got to eat)

Most importantly,
Incarnation rocks.

Would it change your life one bit if you knew your great-gradfather was watching you through every second of your life? How about your mom? I bet we'd all be a lot less kinky, but beyond that, would you do anything differently?

Imagine how f**d up it would be to grow up in a religious setting where you were always told "God is always watching you, what you do in secret, God sees"

Wait a minute! That happened to me and just about everybody I know.

Here is where the real issue lies!

This world, this incarnation, we must at some point make a choice to tell that old schoolmaster of a god to take his life-denying rules and go, this life is to be taken head-on. No hiding in churces, begging forgiveness for only god-knows-what. Get out and live!

Somewhere along the line, somebody screwed up, and the western world at least (and big chunks of the rest) started worshipping the opposite of god.

The flesh is to be embraced, as anybody who's ever been in bed with an enthusiastic woman knows.
(Thank you, Mrs. JC, for continuing my religious instruction)


Blogger Unknown said...

Hope you get some sleep my friend.

I heartily agree that life is to be embraced, even devoured if you will. I am almost a hedonist of sorts. Hence my love of Nietzsche.

Have you ever noticed that the actual teaching of Christ contained far more do's that do not's. Let us suspend all belief in deity for a moment and analyse the man Jesus. Jesus was a bit of a hippie, saying judge not, be fair, be kind, love everyone, make peace, and forgive. When presented with a woman caught in adultery, an offence punished in the Mosaic law with death, he found no fault with her and sent her away in peace. His creed was do no harm to others. A solid creed to live by. Most of the fire and brimstone crap was taught by other "prophets". Same with most of the "Thou shalt nots". Christ embraced life. Many who claimed him were the "life denying" ones.

I like what Al Pacino said in Devil's Advocate, "Look, but don't touch. Touch, but don't taste. Taste, but don't swallow. Ahaha! And when you're jumpin' from one foot to the next, what is he doing? He's laughin' His sick, fuckin' ass off. He's a tight-ass! He's a sadist! He's an absentee landlord." If God is everything the Prophets make him out to be then Al had it right.

Thu Nov 17, 01:36:00 PM EST  
Blogger Aikäne said...

If great-grandpa was watching? Man, would I have some questions for him! :-)

Tue Dec 06, 08:47:00 PM EST  

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