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Sunday, October 09, 2005

Silent birth - or just because you're rich doesnt mean you're not a moron

Scientologists are an odd bunch of ducks. L. Ron Hubbard was a famous crook and a terrible writer, but somehow the overpaid glitterati are drawn to his (very expensive) religion.

What a surprise, actors and pop stars fall for simple ego-stroking schemes that relieve them of their money by the truckload. I am sooo in the wrong business. Kabalology anyone?

Well, speaking of overpaid actors, you may remember the guy from risky business? He's really short and a total ass? Thinks vitamins cure depression? Yep, he's knocked up his girlfriend, Katie Holmes.

ITN Reports:

Under the rules of Scientology Katie will have to suffer labour in silence.

The organisation believes pregnant women must not scream during labour as it is apparently traumatic for babies.

And the former Dawson's Creek star better get practising with her breathing as Scientology also frowns upon the use of painkillers.

So, there you have it folks, You pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for the secrets to happiness, then you're told to push out an 8 pound baby without making a sound.

My wife gave birth recently, and man did she holler. Call me irreligious, but I think it would have been a real bad idea to tell her to shut up just then.


Blogger Unknown said...

Poor Katie. At least she gets to marry an actor who was her idol since she was, what, 5 years old? I mean imagine, he is almost as old as my birth father and she is younger than my little sister. Now she needs to find a secret source for pain drugs and a muzzle during the birth and she will be alright...Oh yeah, she also better stock up on that all important vitamin V (read Valium) for post partum depression. I have a feeling she will have a huge case of it once it wears off that she married Tom Cruise and she realizes Tom is an ass.

Mon Oct 10, 03:13:00 PM EDT  

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