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Friday, May 26, 2006

If you can't read, at least watch the damn movie

I remember a time when Americans NEVER referred to our country as our "homeland." Homeland was something archaic, something that europeans might have said in the 1930s.

There was a time in this country when the phrase "free speech zone" would have made people giggle. It was 1999.

A president of the United States resigned over allegations of illegal wiretapping and other abuses of executive power.

I remember thinking that the Gulf of Tonkin business was frightening, but so long ago, and just grouped it in with the Maine. Anyway, people were different back then, surely we wouldn't just abandon rational thought and enter some kind of hysterical state.

I remember being taught these lessons in school. There was a real sense among the older generations that they'd seen all these things happen, been fooled and they wanted us to be wiser than they were.

War is a racket. And the men running the con get all the spoils. You and I get lied to, shot at, spied on, shat on, and if we speak up, we get arrested.

If you don't know who Emmanuel Goldstein is, at least see the damn movie. It should have been called 2006.

In 2006, advanced data-mining systems click up a red flag when you look up the transcripts of Osama's latest tape. (actually I can't even find the latest tape.)

Islamic terrorism is by no means "the most dangerous threat our country has ever faced" as you'll hear on any AM radio station. It's not even close, and it's an insult to all who have died protecting the republic from actual danger to say that it is.


Blogger JC said...

and furthermore, those of you who always say you don't understand what I'm talking about, I've linked to all the relevant sources here, follow the links and educate yourself.

Your world is more interesting than you think.

and scarier.

Fri May 26, 05:34:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Unknown said...

Just a note: My sig when posting in the Scary Devil Monatery is the following

-Orwell was an optimist

Carry on.

Mon Jun 12, 02:31:00 PM EDT  
Blogger JC said...

If you know of an Emmanuel Goldstein who exists outside of George Orwell's novel, I assure you I wasn't referring to him.

as far as goats digging up knives... I'm not sure I get the reference, is that some kind of kids story? (so to speak.)

I have heard news reports that Bin Laden has made a statement, then they give you a 5-word explanation about what he said. When you try to find a transcript, it's remarkably difficult, considering how newsworthy it is. go on, try.
But when the APD comes to get you for your peace sticker, don't blame me, you're the one reading "secret terrorist instructions"

Tue Jun 13, 12:20:00 AM EDT  

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