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Sunday, September 18, 2005

Barbara Antoinette?

What I'm hearing, which is sort of scary, is they all want to stay in Texas. Everyone is so overwhelmed by the hospitality. And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivleged anyway, so this is working very well for them." Barbara Bush, Public Radio program "Marketplace" Sept 5, 2005

Yeah, Babs, I'm sure it's just rosy for these "underpriveledged." Homes destroyed, bodies to identify, funerals to arrange and attend, you know, it's really nice for them to sleep on a cot in the astrodome.

I know it's difficult to relate to people who never enter into your social circle, but at least pretend you do. Pretend that you have compassion for your fellow human beings. Don't say you're afraid they may move to your state. Here where I live, all the good people I know are working to help people resettle here, we're not afraid of them. It isn't scary to us.

All I am asking from you plutocrats is this-

Just pretend to care about the rest of us, pretend to speak to us as your equals. Pretend we are more than just huddled masses in your eyes. Pretend, if only for a moment while the cameras are rolling, that you can see yourself in our place, "but for the grace of God..." and all that.


Blogger JC said...

First, I am having serious font problems in blogger, sorry.

Second, I rarely pick on anybody over 100 years old, but c'mon, she just tee'd it up for me, and I've kept my mouth shut for a week. I just couldn't take it any longer.

Wed Sep 21, 07:37:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Unknown said...

Dear old Babs no longer appears to care what people think of her. She is part of the Aristocracy whether we like it or not and really we must thank her for giving us unvarnished proof of how the Aristocracy really feels. We all knew it and now she proves it. Viva la Revolution!

Fri Sep 23, 01:01:00 PM EDT  

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