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Friday, August 05, 2005

Emails from the Edge

A good friend of mine stayed up way too late last night and seems to have been caught in the internet equivalent of a sushi loop. You know, you sit at the bar, sushi floats by in little boats, you pull one out, more comes by... before you know it, you've spent your entire afternoon eating raw fish.

Happily, our friend sent me an email with every new sushi boat she picked up last night, here's the view from our very own internet exploress. (is that a word?)

Ten By Ten shows you the top 100 things happening right now, its a place to get your news. I got stuck here for a while, but then I'm kind of a "news buff."

Just I love this one, you can ask any question you like, and have it answered by strangers. It's like your very own Zogby poll, sort of.... here's an example from the site- I ask- what's the best website on the internet? and almost instantly, I get this.


WordCount is a place to see a visual representation of the relative usage of words in the english language. You can look up where your favorite words rank. For example, scrotum falls right between secularist and lucian. Lucian? That's a name right? Imagine the headline:

Lucian beaten by Scrotum again!

But I digress, the next one requires a direct quote from our Duke City Diva (turns out that exploress isn't really a word)

okay, and this one searches blogs every five minutes for images beginning with V O R and N, so the images change every five minutes and you have random links to blogs.
Not sure this one is doing anything for me... but thought I would pass it on since I'm on a roll with this.
Oh, you are definitely on a roll my dear.
There were a lot more than these, but you get the idea. The one I like the most is a real work of 21st century art, a beautiful thing to behold: Clock.

We are all on the internet every day, and somehow we only see a small part of it. It's like staying in your neighborhood your entire life because you don't have to leave, everything you need is right here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am SO ADDICTED to justcurious. I could answer fun questions all night long. I even asked a few myself and was surprised to see the responses. They were amazingly quick! Thank you for the new site! I am sucked in.

Sat Aug 06, 01:49:00 AM EDT  

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