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Friday, July 22, 2005

Million Moms - or 40 toothless hilljacks .com

Have you heard about Million Moms? No? Let me tell you about them. I first heard about this lunatic fringe group on a right-wing radio show, probably Hannity. Don't let their name fool you, they ought to call themselves "" The apparent purpose of their existence is to reduce all entertainment to G-rated dribble. (these are people who demanded that TV stations not play the movie "Saving Private Ryan" on Memorial Day.) -- Oh yeah, they also want to make homosexuality illegal.

After hearing about Million Moms on Hannity, I decided then and there I had to be on their mailing list. I love their emails for the same reason I listen to Hannity on the radio: sometimes I just like to hear the shrill voices screaming from the fringes of the right wing. It reminds me that I have to speak up too, or these idiots will really damage my country.

So I signed up, and every so often (about 3 times a week) I get an email instructing me to become offended at some company or other because of some thing or other. today I got this:

Johnson & Johnson has placed an ad for its Tylenol PM product in the July 19 issue of The Advocate , the nation's leading homosexual magazine.

The ad shows two shirtless men in bed side by side. The text over one reads: "His backache is keeping him up." Over the other: "His boyfriend's backache is keeping him up."

Click here to see a copy of the ad. (Be warned, it is offensive)
HUH? These are anti-gay activists, looking at gay magazines for ads to get upset about? You are surprised that a company marketing its products in gay magazines has an ad that shows to men in bed together? They are not doing anything other than lying awake with a headache. How does this offend, exactly?

Usually, Million Moms provides a link to their email server so you can send a canned message saying how you disapprove. I ALWAYS click that link, erase their form letter and write in big CAPITAL LETTERS in the subject line "DONT LET MILLION MOMS UNCHRISTIAN GOOFBALLS BULLY YOU."

If you want to look at the Million Moms website, click here, (Be warned, it is offensive.)
Because that's what I do, I look at right-wing pseudo-religious wackos and get offended when they do what comes natually to them.

Maybe we're not all that different after all.


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